Monday, January 31, 2011


For Reading today, we had a poem the students had to learn about. The title was called Whistling. I started off by saying we will not be doing this in class, and to my dismay, they all followed directions. I was SO proud of them. As I asked the normal background questions,"Why did you want to learn to whistle?" "Did it take  you a long time to learn?" My one little man was very disappointed. His classmates were all sharing such wonderful stories and his face dropped. In his HIGH Kindergarten voice I hear,
"Ms. M, when I try, when I try to do it, you know whistle, I try so hard and all people tell me is THAT'S A SQUEAKING NOISE." Poor little man. I just told him to keep practicing and he'll get it. He did try....Only air came out. :)

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