Monday, January 31, 2011


For Reading today, we had a poem the students had to learn about. The title was called Whistling. I started off by saying we will not be doing this in class, and to my dismay, they all followed directions. I was SO proud of them. As I asked the normal background questions,"Why did you want to learn to whistle?" "Did it take  you a long time to learn?" My one little man was very disappointed. His classmates were all sharing such wonderful stories and his face dropped. In his HIGH Kindergarten voice I hear,
"Ms. M, when I try, when I try to do it, you know whistle, I try so hard and all people tell me is THAT'S A SQUEAKING NOISE." Poor little man. I just told him to keep practicing and he'll get it. He did try....Only air came out. :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Play centers were a bit of a mess on Friday. I only had 13 students by the end of the day. I usually have everything orderly, but, I felt warm and fuzzy so I let them have free reign of the place.   I had two students at blocks. Usually, they sit quietly and play making garages for their cars or towers pretending they are in a big city. 

Two boys were there and they decided to make the blocks into hurdles. I carefully watched as they were attempting their mini Olympic sport.  Their classmates were cheering the boys on chanting their names and watching if they were going to fall on the blocks (which everyone wanted them to do) or actually make it over. 

One of my little ones was overly excited about the whole ordeal. He came over and yelled, "Ms. M, everyone is making me so excited I have to go to the bathroom." I watched as he was doing a little dance. He never went. Little guy was too excited. :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Purple Ear

Everyone was having fun at their play centers this afternoon when one of my little ones comes up to me folding her ear over. 
"Look Ms. M, what color is my ear?" 
I look to see what she's doing and it's purple pink.
Me: "Purple! Stop doing that!"
She immediately takes her hand off and looks at me confused.
"Why does it change colors?"
Me: "Because you're hurting it."
She walks away smiling.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm the DJ!!

As our students were having snack today, I was quietly writing the morning message on our whiteboard. One of my little 5 year olds was speaking to his neighbor. Here is the one sided conversation I hear....
"You know I play basketball. When I play basketball, they call me Dj Style...uh hu, that's right, that's because I'm good at playing basketball....ohhh, oohh......"

As usually, I just laughed and carried on about my day