Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Phone Numbers

My kids have known each other for awhile. Most of them have gone to Pre-K together or just live in the neighborhood. This story is about two of my little ones (a boy and a girl) who have gone to Pre-K together for awhile.
I'm at my desk, the kids are getting their book bags to line up and leave for the day. I start hearing random numbers. Here I'm thinking they are doing Math. Then I think to myself, "Math? Really? They are about to go home?"  I look back and I see my one little girl writing down her friend's phone number. I tried to remain calm, well, calm for me...

Me:" There will be no phone number exchanging. Your parents have each others phone numbers. If you want his number, ask mommy."
Girl Student: "No Ms. M, I need his number. I don't have it."
Me: Yes, Mommy and Daddy have it. You can get his number from your mommy, he can get your number from his mommy. You are not taking this phone number home."
Girl Student: "You don't get it, I don't have....."
Me: NO!
Boy Student: "But Ms. M, "I" don't have her number."

My realization that they didn't understand to get the phone numbers from their mom's just amused me. LOL....